About Juffrou Watson

About Juffrou Watson

Growing up, it was always a struggle being called by my name as we had too many Chantelle's in the same grade. When someone called out our name, 4 different faces would always turn to find out who was being spoken to.


My surname stayed with me throughout high school and University as well. My classmates always jokes around as they didn't know who Chantelle was; they just knew a student teacher called Watson.


I got engaged to my high school sweetheart in June of 2019. As the wedding date came closer and closer, the fear of losing my name, I mean surname, grew bigger and bigger. Even though it crossed my mind to keep my surname, I knew I would never actually go through with it as I've dreamed for almost 10 years of becoming Mrs. Nel.


Covid hit South Africa in March of 2020. Our wedding date was the 21st of March 2020. Uncle Cyril addressed the nation for the 1st time on the 15th of March 2020; just 6 days before our wedding date. We were some of the very first couples who had to postpone our wedding day.


During lockdown I used my time to create digital products. At first it was only for my school, but soon I wanted to share it with other teachers as well. While thinking of ways how I could do so, the idea came to mind to create a Facebook page.


Now what shall I call this page?


…and that's when Juffrou Watson came to mind. Knowing that I would soon have to part ways with Watson, I told my soon-to-be-husband that I want to call this Facebook page Juffrou Watson. This way I will always be called and remembered as Watson.


Now how did the business side of this start? 


...have you every had an idea that seemed kind of impossible to do? And then somehow, someway, everything just fell into place and worked out? That was my experience creating my very first teacher Diary. Everything just worked. And it worked magically.


1 year and many many meetings with suppliers later, I am glad to say that we are growing at an enormous pace and I am just overly excited to share this with all of my fellow teachers!


Thank you so much for your support. It truly means the world to me.


Much love,

Juffrou Watson


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